
Snowdown strives to be as sustainable and accessible as possible in many different areas. Snowdown is proud to announce that it is partnering with Visit Durango to improve its sustainability and accessibility efforts. Thank you Visit Durango, and specifically Weylin Ryan!

New this year:

No more paper entries for golf teams, instead this process is now done online only with no paper.

Recycling at Fashion Do's and Don'ts Show and at Chili Cookoff and Bloody Mary Contest. Both events are held at the La Plata County Fairgrounds and Events Center.

Next year:

Considering online entries only for Follies tickets instead of the mail in lottery.

Composting of paper products and uneaten food at Fashion Do's and Don'ts Show.

Establish an accessibility contact for all Snowdown board of director events ... Fashion Do's and Don'ts Show, Light Parade, Follies shows, Chili Cookoff and Bloody Mary Contest, and Outlaw Josie Pete's Snowdown Golf.